小小咖啡師的啡常旅程 ☕️✨
最近,我們迎來了一群特別的客人 —— 6至15歲的小朋友們。看著他們對咖啡世界充滿好奇和熱情,讓我們不禁回想起自己初次接觸咖啡行業時的那份興奮。
🔗 點擊連結讓孩子成為小小咖啡師: https://bit.ly/3XSPejU
👉 點擊我們的Bio了解更多詳情
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Little Baristas' Coffee Journey ☕️✨
People who love coffee always resonate with each other. And this passion seems to transcend age!
Recently, we welcomed a special group of guests — children aged 6 to 15. Watching their curiosity and enthusiasm for the world of coffee made us reminisce about the excitement we felt when we first entered the coffee industry.
I remember that day when the children walked into the classroom, a bit shy at first. But as we started introducing various coffee beans and let them smell and identify the aromas, their eyes lit up. Interestingly, children's perceptions of coffee often surprise us. One little boy smelled the coffee beans and excitedly exclaimed, "This smells like freshly rained-on grass!" Such pure associations often bring unexpected delight.
When making latte art, the children's level of concentration amazed us. Although their little hands were not yet steady, their seriousness was no less than that of adults. One child tried more than ten times in a row and finally made a small heart. The look of sheer joy on his face is something we will never forget.
What touched us the most was seeing the children encourage each other and share their experiences. It made us reflect: sharing, communication, and mutual improvement — isn't that the essence of coffee culture?
The Little Baristas Summer Camp was not only a learning journey for the children but also made us re-examine the charm of coffee. It's not just a beverage; it's a bridge that connects people, crossing age and cultural boundaries.
Looking at these children, we seem to see the future. Who knows? Maybe the next world champion is among these passionate little baristas!
This summer, let's witness the growth of these little baristas together and feel the joy that coffee brings! ☕️🌟
🔗 Click the link to let your child become a Little Barista: https://bit.ly/3XSPejU
👉 Click our Bio for more details 🤎 Follow us, let's enjoy and appreciate coffee together
#小小咖啡師 #暑期活動 #summercamp #暑假好去處 #咖啡文化 ##LatteArt #拉花藝術 #咖啡文化 #CoffeeLover #CafeCulture #CoffeeArt #BaristaLife #CoffeeInspiration #TasseCoffee