City and Guilds : 在英國每5個家庭就有一人考獲CG證書
City & Guilds是英國機構,成立於1878年,總部在倫敦。它是國際教育組織,致力於職業培訓和資格認證。機構的目標是提供高品質的教育和培訓,幫助個人發展職業技能,實現潛力。City and Guilds與各行業合作,開發實用課程,滿足行業需求。據說,在英國每5個家庭就有一人考獲CG證書。

City and Guilds的國際認證廣受認可,用於評估和認證各種職業技能,被視為行業專業標準,對求職者和雇主都有重要價值。在咖啡行業,City and Guilds提供國際咖啡調配師課程,培養咖啡師。課程結合英國傳統咖啡文化和現代趨勢,教授沖調技巧、飲品製作和顧客服務等技能,助學生建立咖啡業職業生涯。

Tasse Coffee是CG全港合格率最高的咖啡學院,通過率高達95%。每班只有4或5人,提供充足練習時間,確保學生實踐機會。考試有中英文卷選擇,滿足不同需求。私人授課也提供全英文教學,滿足個別學生需求。
City & Guilds, established in 1878 and based in London, is a renowned British organization focused on vocational training and qualifications. It collaborates with industries to develop practical courses that meet industry needs. City and Guilds’ international certifications are highly recognized as industry standards. In the coffee industry, they offer the International Barista Skills course to train individuals as baristas.
Tasse Coffee is the top-performing coffee academy in Hong Kong for City and Guilds qualifications, boasting a pass rate of up to 95%. Each class has only 4 or 5 students, ensuring ample practice time and opportunities for students. The exams offer a choice of Chinese or English papers to cater to different needs. Private tutoring options are also available with full English instruction to accommodate individual student preferences and learning styles.
#CG #City&Guilds #咖啡教學 #咖啡工作坊

City and Guilds的國際認證廣受認可,用於評估和認證各種職業技能,被視為行業專業標準,對求職者和雇主都有重要價值。在咖啡行業,City and Guilds提供國際咖啡調配師課程,培養咖啡師。課程結合英國傳統咖啡文化和現代趨勢,教授沖調技巧、飲品製作和顧客服務等技能,助學生建立咖啡業職業生涯。

Tasse Coffee是CG全港合格率最高的咖啡學院,通過率高達95%。每班只有4或5人,提供充足練習時間,確保學生實踐機會。考試有中英文卷選擇,滿足不同需求。私人授課也提供全英文教學,滿足個別學生需求。
City & Guilds, established in 1878 and based in London, is a renowned British organization focused on vocational training and qualifications. It collaborates with industries to develop practical courses that meet industry needs. City and Guilds’ international certifications are highly recognized as industry standards. In the coffee industry, they offer the International Barista Skills course to train individuals as baristas.
Tasse Coffee is the top-performing coffee academy in Hong Kong for City and Guilds qualifications, boasting a pass rate of up to 95%. Each class has only 4 or 5 students, ensuring ample practice time and opportunities for students. The exams offer a choice of Chinese or English papers to cater to different needs. Private tutoring options are also available with full English instruction to accommodate individual student preferences and learning styles.
#CG #City&Guilds #咖啡教學 #咖啡工作坊