SCA - Canada National Barista Competition 2024 - Judge Sharing
三月的時候,香港Tasse Coffee Lab和日本Tasse Coffee Roastery主理人,受邀前往遙遠的加拿大蒙特利爾,成為加拿大咖啡師大賽的國際評審。這是一場極具挑戰性的旅程,充滿了與美加地區各方咖啡業者緊密交流的機會。

在這次加拿大咖啡師大賽中,來自卡爾加里的Nelson Phu @rossocoffeeroasters)脫穎而出,成為了冠軍。他以他卓越的咖啡技藝和對咖啡的熱情贏得了這項殊榮。Nelson 展現了在萃取咖啡和拉花技巧方面的卓越表現,以及對咖啡品質和風味的敏銳感知。比賽中,Nelson Phu展示了他獨特的咖啡風格和創意,讓評委們留下深刻的印象。他的咖啡作品不僅在口感上令人驚艷,同時也通過精心設計的說故事摸式,展現了他對咖啡品味的獨特理解。作為加拿大咖啡師大賽的冠軍,Nelson Phu將代表加拿大參加世界咖啡師大賽,與來自世界各地的頂尖咖啡師一較高下。我們期待著他能在國際舞台上再次展現出色的表現。

而在比賽後,我們亦再次與Rosso的Cole及 Dave相遇,跟他們上一次見面是在Boramum world touring 香港站,他們都好驚喜我們今次作為是次的評審,今次經他們訓練的選手都有很好的成績,當然包括重點培訓的Nelson Phu。是次比賽,除了參賽者的熟練表現令我們大開眼界,就連評審的專業評審過程及對咖啡技術及風味的理解,亦令我們獲益不少,當中更是很出色在加拿大咖啡界很有名的主理人 philandseb@monogramco
"From Asia to North America: Coffee Exploration!"
Imagine your passion taking you beyond Asia. In March, the proprietors of Tasse Coffee Lab in Hong Kong and Tasse Coffee Roastery in Japan judged the Canadian Barista Championships in Montreal, Canada. It was a journey filled with opportunities to connect with North American coffee professionals.
As judges, our responsibilities included sensory evaluation and technical assessment. We carefully tasted each coffee, assessing its quality and flavor profile from aroma to finish. Also, we evaluated the technical skills and passion of the participants, from their espresso extraction to milk handling techniques.
Nelson Phu from Calgary emerged as the champion.He'll represent Canada in the World Barista Championships. During the event, we had the pleasure of reconnecting with Cole and Dave from Rosso Coffee, whom we last saw at the Boramum World Touring event in Hong Kong. They were pleasantly surprised to see us as judges this time. Beyond witnessing skilled performances by participants, the professional judging process and understanding of coffee techniques and flavors enriched our experience. We also had the opportunity to meet renowned figures
三月的時候,香港Tasse Coffee Lab和日本Tasse Coffee Roastery主理人,受邀前往遙遠的加拿大蒙特利爾,成為加拿大咖啡師大賽的國際評審。這是一場極具挑戰性的旅程,充滿了與美加地區各方咖啡業者緊密交流的機會。

在這次加拿大咖啡師大賽中,來自卡爾加里的Nelson Phu @rossocoffeeroasters)脫穎而出,成為了冠軍。他以他卓越的咖啡技藝和對咖啡的熱情贏得了這項殊榮。Nelson 展現了在萃取咖啡和拉花技巧方面的卓越表現,以及對咖啡品質和風味的敏銳感知。比賽中,Nelson Phu展示了他獨特的咖啡風格和創意,讓評委們留下深刻的印象。他的咖啡作品不僅在口感上令人驚艷,同時也通過精心設計的說故事摸式,展現了他對咖啡品味的獨特理解。作為加拿大咖啡師大賽的冠軍,Nelson Phu將代表加拿大參加世界咖啡師大賽,與來自世界各地的頂尖咖啡師一較高下。我們期待著他能在國際舞台上再次展現出色的表現。

而在比賽後,我們亦再次與Rosso的Cole及 Dave相遇,跟他們上一次見面是在Boramum world touring 香港站,他們都好驚喜我們今次作為是次的評審,今次經他們訓練的選手都有很好的成績,當然包括重點培訓的Nelson Phu。是次比賽,除了參賽者的熟練表現令我們大開眼界,就連評審的專業評審過程及對咖啡技術及風味的理解,亦令我們獲益不少,當中更是很出色在加拿大咖啡界很有名的主理人 philandseb@monogramco
"From Asia to North America: Coffee Exploration!"
Imagine your passion taking you beyond Asia. In March, the proprietors of Tasse Coffee Lab in Hong Kong and Tasse Coffee Roastery in Japan judged the Canadian Barista Championships in Montreal, Canada. It was a journey filled with opportunities to connect with North American coffee professionals.
As judges, our responsibilities included sensory evaluation and technical assessment. We carefully tasted each coffee, assessing its quality and flavor profile from aroma to finish. Also, we evaluated the technical skills and passion of the participants, from their espresso extraction to milk handling techniques.
Nelson Phu from Calgary emerged as the champion.He'll represent Canada in the World Barista Championships. During the event, we had the pleasure of reconnecting with Cole and Dave from Rosso Coffee, whom we last saw at the Boramum World Touring event in Hong Kong. They were pleasantly surprised to see us as judges this time. Beyond witnessing skilled performances by participants, the professional judging process and understanding of coffee techniques and flavors enriched our experience. We also had the opportunity to meet renowned figures