CQI Q Grader 全員通過並獲得證書

CQI Q Grader被喻為咖啡界最具挑戰性亦令個人感官技能進步最神速的國際證書課程,而在剛過去的4月,Tasse舉辦了首次CQI Q Arabica Grader課程,9位學員皆全員通過並獲得證書🤩🎊 100%合格率令我們非常自豪,學員包括我們幾位導師、咖啡店店主、咖啡師等,無論年資豐富還是經驗尚淺都沒關係,我們了解到經驗未必是必然的助力。通過連續六天一直不斷練習,我們喝了很多好的壞的精品的商業的咖啡,大大提升了感官能力,這對未來我們在咖啡發展路上無疑是絕對需要的知識。

感謝Paul的無私教學,也感謝多位學員的努力不懈,我們畢業了,Tasse所有導師都成為Q Grader了🎓🥹🎉🎉🎉

CQI Q Grader is renowned as the most challenging and rapidly advancing international certification course for sensory skills in the coffee industry. We hosted our first CQI Q Arabica Grader course in April, and all nine participants successfully passed and received their certificates! 🤩🎊 We are extremely proud of achieving a 100% pass rate. Our participants included several instructors, coffee shop owners, and baristas, regardless of their level of experience. We have come to realize that experience is not always the determining factor for success. Through six consecutive days of continuous practice, we tasted various good and bad coffee, specialty and commercial beans, significantly enhancing our sensory abilities. Undoubtedly, this knowledge is absolutely essential for our future endeavors in the coffee industry.

We express our gratitude to Paul for his selfless teaching and to all the diligent participants. We have graduated, and all the instructors at Tasse have become Q Graders! 🎓🥹🎉🎉🎉

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